Minami A and Uemura M (2010)
Dynamin-related protein 1E is localized in plant plasma membrane microdomains and is associated with freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis plants.
Keystone Symposium on Molecular Basis for
Biological Membrane Organization and Dynamics (Snowbird, USA)
Nakaminami K, Minami A, Nakagami H, Tanaka M,
Morosawa T, Ishida J, Shinozaki K, Shirasu K, Uemura M and Seki M (2010)
RNA masking system during cold deacclimation of Arabidopsis plants.
10th International Conference of Arabidopsis
Research (Yokohama, Japan)
Takahashi D, Furuto A, Minami A and Uemura M. (2010)
Alterations of plasma membrane microdomains in
oat and rye during cold acclimation.
47th Annual Meeting of the Society for
Cryobiology (Bristol, UK)
Kaneko S, Kawamura Y and Uemura M. (2010)
Calcium-dependent tolerance to freezing and
mechanical stresses in higher plants.
47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology (Bristol, UK)
Uemura M. Takahashi D. Kondo M. Furuto A and Kawamura Y (2010)
Adaptation strategy of temperate herbaceous plants for cold environments:
plasma membrane compositions and functions.
International Symposium on Biodiversity Science 2010 (Nagoya, Japan) Invited talk
Hurry V, Uemura M (2010)
How to get published.
The 6th SPPS PhD Student Conference (Espoo, Finland)
Uemura M (2010)
Plasma membrane in plant cold tolerance.
INRA-PIAF-UMR Seminar (Clermont-Ferrand, France) Invited talk
Uemura M (2010)
Plasma membrane proteomics and plant cold tolerance.
Max-Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology Weekly Seminar (Potsdam, Germany) Invited talk
Uemura M (2010)
Plant adaptation to low temperatures: physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology.
Horticulture Department Seminar, texas A&M University (College Station, TX, USA) Invited talk
Uemura M (2010)
Freezing tolerance in plants: physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology.
Biology Department Seminar, The University of South Dakota (Vermillion, SD, USA) Invited talk
Uemura M (2010)
Plasma membrane proteomics of freezing-tolerant rye and less freezing-tolerant
2nd International Symposium on Frontiers in Agriculture Proteome Research
(Tsukuba, Japan) Invited talk
Takahashi D, Yamashita T, Kawamura Y and Uemura M (2010)
Relationship between protein compositions of detergent-resistant plasma
membrane microdomains in oat and rye and its association with their freezing
2nd International Symposium on Frontiers in Agriculture Proteome Research
(Tsukuba, Japan)